Technozo Cloud Solution is India’s first virtual health care App for women and their families. Our software helps doctors to keep accurate and complaint antepartum and postpartum patient charts. Technozo’s multi-tiered approach to Virtual prenatal and postnatal care allows doctors to deliver high-risk-specific care to their patients at anytime, anywhere. EHR is the electronic health record that helps a gynecologist or obstetrician track essential data anytime-anywhere, identify patients due for preventive visits and screenings, and also closely monitor how patients measure up to certain parameters.
An EHR (Electronic Health Record) is a digital collection of patients’ health information including problems, medications, and many more and the ability to share health information digitally can help health care providers to give better quality and safer care to patients. EHR (Electronic Health Record) increases the quality of care provided to patients, security to patient data, reduction in medical errors. EHR contains diagnosis, medical treatment, previous reports of the patient which can be easily accessed by health care providers. This will help in most critical situations. Electronic health records allow for better tracking of patient interactions and this can reduce medical errors