The first 6 weeks after delivery are the most sensitive ones for both the mother and the baby. While the mother’s body is still recovering and preparing to care for the newborn, the baby is getting used to the new environment that he or she is in. This is why postnatal care right after delivery determines the well-being of the baby and the mother in the long run.
The most important concern in the first 24 hours is if the mother has developed any health conditions that require attention. Postnatal care immediately after the child is born should include the following steps:
- The mother’s blood pressure must be checked in the first 6 hours of delivery.
- The healthcare professional will also need to check if you have passed urine or not within the first 6 hours.
- In case of normal delivery, you will be encouraged to move around slightly within the first 24 hours..
- Mothers will also be given detailed information on how to feed the baby, preparation of formula and storage, sterilization of bottles in case the mother decides to bottle feed and also about keeping the baby clean.
- If needed, Mumps, Measles and Rubella injection is given to the mom.
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